Tuesday, October 1, 2024

IDA CAROLINE POULSEN LARSEN and Lauritz Larsen ~~~ Pioneers of the Month ~~~ October 2024


Lauritz Larsen Jr.

Excerpts  from the Mt. Pleasant Book  with Lauritz Larsen

 Page 99 …… July 15th, General W. S. Snow was put in command of the Sanpete Militia. Three companies were at once organized at Mount Pleasant, with the following officers: Fredrick Nielsen, Captain of Company A, he, however, resigned and Lauritz Lar­sen succeeded him; Company B, with Jacob Christensen, Captain, and Andrew Madsen, First Lieutenant. The Home guard, called the Silver Greys, consisted of older men with John Tidwell as 'Captain. While the organization of the Militia was being effected throughout the country, word had been received that Anthony Robinson, of Monroe, and Robert Gillispie, of Mount Pleasant, had been killed by the Indians near Salina. Fred J. Keisel, who later became mayor of Ogden, was Indian Agent in Sanpete County and he wisely withheld ammunitions from the Indians.
The settlers procured bars of lead, which were melted in special heavy vessels, and poured into bullet moulds, making bullets to fit certain guns used. These, with gun powder carried in a powder horn, was the usual ammunition. That ammunition was very valuable is shown in the following quotation from Gott­fredson's Indian Depredations in Utah in a statement made by Jos­siah Sylvester. "I was out of ammunition and was informed that Elijah B. Ward had been seen molding bullets for his pistol, which was the size I wanted. Someone went with me to get them. It was dark and we had no light.  As Ward's corpse was laid out on a trunk or chest, we had. to raise him up, while I searched for the bullets until I found them."

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Mt.. Pleasant Z. C. M.I.
In February 1869, the Mt. Pleasant Z. C. M. I. was organized. It was a co-operative organization patterned after the Z. C. M. I. that was organized the year previous in Salt Lake City, under the instructions of President Brigham Young, who at that time pointed out to the people the necessity and the benefits of such institutions. The Mt. Pleasant Z. C. M. I. began business in a small room, in a log building, afterwards known as Anderson's Blacksmith Shop, on the east side of State Street, about Third South. Here Anthon H. Lund served as clerk. After a time, the Company erected a log building on the southwest corner, intercession of State and Main Street. Quoting Amasa Aldrich: “This was quite a creditable building at that time, being built  of logs chinked with mud. The room on the inside was plastered with mud. Outside, above the door, which faced the east, was painainted the sign 'Z. C. M. I.' Underneath this was painted the
“All Seeing Eye,' and beneath that, 'Holiness to the Lord.' This was the first store building built in Mt. Pleasant, and became known as the Mormon or Polygamist Store. Charlie Hampshire, and Olaf Sorensen were clerks who served. Charlie spoke English and Ole spoke Danish, hence the people could always be served, because when one could not understand the customer, the other could. There were many customers and on Saturday one would have to put in the better part of the day trying to get waited on. Blenda Dehlin and Lauritz Larsen Sr. later assisted as clerks. The store carried a various line of merchandise and people could get most anything needed. The mischievous boys of those days would remove chinks from between the logs, reach their arms in and help themselves to the stick and rock candy." Produce was

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President Young and a number of the twelve apostles again visited the community. They were met by the brass band, the Sunday School children and a great many saints. At a large gathering held in the bowery, Joseph F. Smith, Wilford Woodruff, George A. Smith and George Q. Cannon spoke of the benefits of  co-operation and home manufacturing, and also dwelt on the Word of Wisdom. President Young pronounced a blessing upon the people, begging them to live their religion. Many good instructions were received and the saints rejoiced much over the visit. Lauritz Larsen was at this time serving as the church re­corder. The grasshoppers having nearly disappeared, the people "were successful in again raising a large crop of grain. The Union Pacific Railroad had reached Ogden and many implements were shipped into the territory. A combined reaper-mowing machine, called "The World," and a hay rake were purchased and brought to the town by C. W. Anderson and Andrew Madsen. This was the first rake and machine brought to Mt. Pleasant.


council concerning the placing of the poles, and for the use of the Public Square for peeling them. Council thought the example of larger cities worth considering, and it was decided that the poles should be placed in the center of the street.
    At about this time Larsen Brothers, Lauritz, George, and Peter A., built a dance pavilion on State and Third South.
In 1892 the city experienced a serious epidemic of diphtheria. resulting in many deaths and causing much sorrow among the people.


Miss Annie Johansen, formerly the telegraph operator, was the first telephone operator. This, however, was not the first telephone in Mt. Pleasant. Sometime, about 1874, there was no telegraph operator in Fairview, and a make shift telephone line, using the telegraph wire, had been installed be­tween Mt. Pleasant and Fairview, that the telegrams received in Mt. Pleasant for Fairview, might be sent on. Miss Annie Johansen. the telegraph operator in Mt. Pleasant, having charge of Mt. Pleas­ant and Peter Sundwall Sr.; and Hyrum De Frieze operating at Fairview. This, after a fair trial, on account of wire trouble, was abandoned.
In 1901, the Mt. Pleasant Commercial Bank erected their building on the north side of Main Street between Second and Third West.
The mountains east of the city had in the past produced a great deal of lumber, and about this time and later, a number of mills were operated, among these later lumber dealers from time to time were: E. L. Durphy, Lauritz and Peter A. Larsen, John H. Seeley and James Monsen. Large forest fires were often seen in the mountains.
The Union Mercantile Company was organized in 1903, by Andrew Madsen and sons, Andrew C., Anthon and Neil M., and C. W. Anderson, George Christensen and Olaf E. Olson. For a number of years, they occupied the brick building known as the Co-op Store building, and the building now acquired the title of the Union Building. .
     January 22, 1903, Thomas Braby was officially appointed Postmaster of Mt. Pleasant.
October 10th, Lars P. Madsen, Bishop of the North Ward, while coming down Cotton Wood Canyon with a load of coal was thrown from the wagon and killed.
In March 1903, while George Christensen was mayor, the city voted a bond for water works, but not until 1905, during H. C. Beaumann's term, were contracts let for installing the system. In due time, the system was installed, and with its completion. the settling barrels with their prickly pears, which had been used at most every home for the settling of the roily water, disappeared.


January 21, 1915, L. P. Nelson was appointed Postmaster, and after a short time the office was moved to the Armory (Hansen) Hall building.
Mt. Pleasant in 1913 again became noted in the baseball field, and professional players were imported. City records show that in 1914, a two day baseball tournament was held.
It is interesting to know that the game was introduced in Mt. Pleasant by Ras Freston, in 1875. At that time, the team was: Ras Freston, pitcher and c. f.; John Gustave Johnson, pitch­er; John Stansfield, catcher; Bennett Munk, s. s.; Pet Burrison,
1st base;………,  2nd base; and Herb Day, 3rd base. Tom
Coates and Bill Averett, field; John L. Larsen and Eph Day, subs.
They, at that time played on the north public square. During the middle eighties, they were known as "Cracker Jack" teams. Among the players then were: M. G. Rolph, George Christensen, Bert Wheelock, Ed Freston, Ras Freston, Erick Gunderson, Lauritz Larsen, George Day, Charl Averett, John H. Hansen, Hans Jensen. Joe Clark, George Sears, Hyrum Farnsworth, and others. For several years, the personnel of the teams were made up of these people. The Red Stockings and the Resolutes became famous for their playing. Games were played on the public square, and on the ground later purchased by the city for a city park.


1904-5. Mayor, H. C. Beaumann; Recorder, A. H. Maiben; Treas­urer, E. Ellis Day; Marshal, Andrew S. Jensen; Justice of the Peace, A. B. Waldermar; Councilors, A. E. Mcintosh, (16) Joseph Monsen, A. C. Madsen, George H. Marshall, (17) A. C. Wall, S. E. Jensen, Bent R. Hansen.
1906-7. Mayor, James Monsen; Recorder, A. H. Maiben; Treas­urer, Sarah E. McClenahan; Marshal, Richard Hendricksen; Justice of the Peace, A. B. Waldermar; Councilors, Christian Johansen, A. Merz, A. O. Madsen, George Brand, Joseph Monsen.
1908-9. Mayor, James Monsen; RecorderLauritz Larsen; Treas­urer, Mrs. Rhea Wambolt; Marshal, Hans Poulsen; Justice of the Peace, A. B. Waldermar; Councilors, Thos. West, N. P. Madsen, E. W. Wall, Christian Madsen, Christian Johansen.
1910-11. Mayor, Ferdinand Ericksen; Recorder, Daniel Rasmus­sen; Treasurer, Authinal Carter, (18) William Hansen; Justice of the Peace, Justus B. Seely, (19) John Carter; Councilors, Lauritz Larsen, Christian Madsen, Jas. W. Anderson, Jas. D. Simpson, Thos. West.
1912-13. Mayor, James W. Anderson; Recorder, Daniel Rasmus­sen; Treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Larsen; Councilors, H. Leroy Neilson, A. E. Mcintosh, Justus B. Seely, (20) George C. Sorensen, A. Merz, Lauritz Larsen.
1914-15. Mayor, Abram Johnson; Recorder, Daniel Rasmussen; Treasurer, Elizabeth D. Larsen; Councilors, Nils Larson, four years; E. C. Johnson, J. C. Jordan, H. Leroy Neilson, Joseph Monsen. (Abram Johnson resigned during his term and Jos­eph Monsen was made mayor and Andrew Larsen became a councilman. )

P 278
The pioneer homes were noted for their hospitality. There were then, as now, certain groups who especially enjoyed associating together. Because of the variety of nationalities represented, even in so small a community, they were better able to understand and enjoy the association of those who came from their mother countries.
One group consisted of the following men and their wives: Peter Monsen, Hans Poulsen, Niels Johansen 1st, Mortin Ras­mussen, Hans Brown, and Christian Jensen 1st. This aristocratic gentleman could entertain them with stories of how he had worked for the King of Denmark.
This group met at their different homes and enjoyed dancing to the music of the fiddlers John Waldermar, Jim Hansen and Lars Nielson.
Another group which met often and enjoyed their suppers and dancing were: Mr. and Mrs. Frans Christensen, Jens Hen­dricksen. Lauritz Larsen, Jacob Christensen, and Taylor Johnson, who was a very pleasant and jolly man, making great fun for everyone.


In 1866, Paul Dehlin had sort of a sawmill machinery oper­ated by a big water wheel, placed in the stream on Main Street between Third and Fourth west about where the Clyde property is now located.
In 1864 William Jennings established the Jenning's store, on the lot where William Hansen now lives, north side of Main Street between Second and Third west. It was managed by Joseph Stanford. Anthon H. Lund and Charlie Hampshire clerked there for a short time.
About 1869 a Co-op store was started, later this company erected a building on the southwest corner of the intersection of Main and State streets.
A few years later on account of the increasing business of this company they built a brick building on the northeast corner of intersection Main and State streets.
The brick for this building was made west of town under the direction of Andrew Madsen and C. W. Anderson; Martin Rasmussen, James C. Meiling and others did the burning. Among those who did the excavating were John Meyrick, Paul Coates, Sr.; Lars and Andrew Christensen were masons, and Jacob Rolfson and Eric Gunderson, Sr., were carpenters. Nothing but first class bricks or materials were put into the building at that time.
The same clerks, Charlie Hampshire, Ole Sorenson, Blenda Dehlin, and Lauritz Larsen, served in this building; among those who later served were Wellington Seely, Wm. Morrison, Jr., Stena Jensen, Louise B. Madsen, Caroline Johansen, Nora Jorg­ensen, Lena Madsen, and Minie Johansen.
In 1898 the Equitable Building was erected and the stock transferred there. This company built the Branch Building on Third South and Second West, which for some time they operated in connection. Later Tathen and Dun. Then George Christensen, then the Progress Branch, and then Paul Monsen and Vern Gunderson were located there.
In 1893 the Union Mercantile Company was organized. They did business in the brick building formerly occupied by the Co-op store. In 1897 the company was reorganized as Madsen & Sons Mere. Co., who were in business for a number of years. Madsen & Longsdorf began business in the building in 1898

Lauritz Larsen, Jr. (the tall guy in the rear)


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Joseph Henry Trauntvein and Kristine Sorensen Trauntvein ~~~ Pioneers of the Month ~~~ September 2024


Herman Justus Trauntvein and Anna Catherine Trauntvein
Parents of Joseph Henry


Henry Trauntvein 
Kristine Sorensen Trauntvein
Father and Mother
and Sorensen family

Trauntvein Family Tree

Thursday, August 1, 2024




Father of Frank Bohne
On a farm in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah, just across the line from Fairview, stands a two-story rock house; boarded up, run-down, gate askew and overgrown. This house was once beautiful and cared for. It once sheltered a lively family who proudly owned it theirs saying: “My father built our house. He hauled the stones from the hills miles from our farm – the same kind of stones were used to build the Latter-day Saint temple in Manti.” They were a large family that lived in that rock house.
The father was a serious man – a good man. His name was Henry Mortin Bohne, and he had come to America from Denmark at the age of 12 with his mother, a sister and three others. His father was dead. Together they pushed a handcart across to Salt Lake Valley, and then settled in the fort at Mt. Pleasant.
It was while living in that fort that Henry met and wooed Juliett Day. They both belonged to the Church and went to the Mt. Pleasant Ward together. The story is told of Henry leaving the Fort one day and as he reached the gate he met Juliett coming out at the same time. “He grabbed her right there in his arms and that was it.” A few months later they were married; but it was several years before they finished building the rock house.
When Henry built that house he didn’t have much money. He had only 60 acres of land and some sheep. He worked very hard doing most of the building himself, but hired an old masoner, who was good with the small hand chisels they used, to square off the rocks. His oldest boys, Henry and Frank helped and Joe and the younger ones watched with wonder as one rock was placed upon another, and their house rose above the fields.
Abner Bohne was born in this rock house on June 10, 1882. “It must have been a good day,” he says. And “No, I didn’t have a doctor; what would I need a doctor for?”
Henry and Juliett had been married for 16 years when Abner came to them. Juliett had already borne 11 children, but only 5 still lived.* Abner joined four brothers and sister in a struggle for sustenance in the strong rock house.
Schooling for Abner was a secondary consideration. As a very young boy he spent much time helping with the chores and herding his father’s sheep. Education was not compulsory and Abner was lucky to get in one or two months a year at the Birch Creek School House half-a-mile away from their home. During that time he completed the first, second and fifth readers. They didn’t have grade classifications then.
Abner experience many different teachers – some good, some bad. One of his teachers professed to be Christ. Abner’s sister, Lettie, and another girl got in a scuffle during the lunch hour one day while the professor was at home. When he returned he found Lettie with her lip bleeding from a cut resulting from a fall during the scuffle. Well, that professor went back across the street to his house to pray about the situation; then came back and gave Lettie a terrible licking. The other children were indignant. It had been an accident – nobody’s fault. Abner and a bunch of the boys got on horses and with tin cans, drummed the professor out of town for about 3 miles. It was a wonder they didn’t get put in jail.
Most of Abner’s teachers were farmers or their wives without much training or aptitude for the profession; then came Mrs. Vina Phelps, a teacher who showed Abner that she understood him and cared about him. She drew him out and made learning enjoyable for him. Abner thought a lot of her.
Abner started school in Cardston after his family came to Canada, but he was 18 by that time, and able to earn his own money. He just couldn’t stay interested in studying books.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Hendrick Erickson and Ingeborg Ericksdatter ~~~ Pioneers of the Month July 2024


Hendrick Erickson 

Oct 4, 1818
Åakvaåg, Sondeled, Aust-Agder, Norway
birth record
Age <1
Oct 9 1818
Søndeled, Risør, Aust-Agder, Norge
Age <1
Oct 9 1818
Søndeled, Aust-Agder, Norway
birth record
Age 22
Marriage to:
Dec 17 1840
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
The marriage records of Risor parish state that Hendrick Ericksen and Ingeborg Ericksdatter were married oin 17 Dec 1840 in that parish. Hendrick's father is listed as Erik Elefsen and Ingeborg's father as Erik Gundersen. The correct surname for Ingeborg in all Norwegian records is always stated as Ericksdatter, not Gundersen.
Age 23
Birth of son:
Nov 5 1841
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Age 25
Birth of daughter:
Aug 25 1844
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Age 28
Birth of son:
Apr 16 1847
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Age 29
Death of son:
June 17 1848
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Age 30
Birth of son:
Sep 30 1849
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Age 35
Birth of daughter:
Aug 24 1854
Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Age 36
Death of daughter:
Dec 10 1854
On The Sea
Age ~37
New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Louisiana, New Orleans Passenger Lists, 1820-1945
Age 36
Death of son:
Apr 28, 1855
Atchison, Atchison, Kansas, United States
Age 36
June 13, 1855
Age 36
Sep 7, 1855
Utah, United States
Age 37
Birth of son:
July 28, 1856
Lehi, Utah, Utah Territory, United States
Age 39
Birth of son:
July 14, 1858
Spanish Fork, Utah, Utah Territory, United States
Age ~42
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory, United States
Age 43
Birth of son:
Jan 2, 1862
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory, United States

Edward and Vilate were married in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah. They lived here with their families near by. The family traveled to Stirling, Alberta, Canada before Ralph was born in November 1904. Here they settled. They had dryland farm east of New Dayton, Alberta, where they lived and worked in the summer. They also had a house in Stirling, Alberta, where they moved for the winter.

Age 44
Marriage of daughter:
May 10, 1863
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory, United States
(King Rex E)
Aug 1864
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, United States Plot A 3 124
Mount Pleasant City Cemetery - Headstone (gives dates) - Find A Grave #140786
Age 45
Aug 13, 1864
Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, United States


Ingeborg Ericksen (born Ericksdatter)
Also known as:Ingeborg Gundersen
Birth:Oct 15 1819
  Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Christening:Oct 23 1819
  Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Marriage:Dec 17 1840
  Risør, Aust-Agder, Norway
Immigration:Sep 7, 1855
  Deseret, United States
Residence:  Ã˜sterüsøer
  Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah Territory, United States
  Mount Pleasant Election Precinct, Sanpete, Utah, United States
Death:May 19, 1902
  Mount Pleasant, Sanpete county, Utah, United States
Burial:May 1902
  Mount Pleasant City Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah, United States
Parents:Erick Gundersen
Torbor Gundersen (born Olsdatter)
Husband:Hendrick Ericksen
Children:Erick Bertel Ericksen
Torborg Elisa Waldemar (born Ericksen)
Johan Andreas Ericksen
Johan Andreas Ericksen
Ingeborg Hendrike Ericksen
Henry Ericksen
Alif Ericksen
Edward Allen Ericksen
Siblings:Gunder Ericksen
Gunhild Johnsen (born Ericksdatter)
Ole Ericksen
Ole Eriksen
Inger Aline Adamsen (born Ericksdatter)
Source: FamilySearch