Thursday, December 1, 2016
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Friday, September 2, 2016
History of John Henry Owen Wilcox
History Of John Henry Owen Wilcox
taken from Family Search written by J.O. Meiling
On December 25, 1775, in a little town in Rhode Island, was born Hazard Wilcox. He met and wed Sarah Seeley. In 1824 the resided at Benton, Arkansas, where on 14 Feb. 1824, was born John Henry Owen Wilcox, the youngest and last of a larg family and the subject of this treatise.
Little is known of his early life. Leaving Arkansas the family settled in Missouri, where in 1831 the father died. It was here in Marion County, Missouri that the boy accepted Mormonism. This new religion had aroused such bitter antagonism against its adherents that mob violence was prevalent throughout the Middle west. They lived in Jackson, Clay, and Caldwell counties in Missouri, being driven from place to place with less regard than for so many cattle. On one occasion, Grandfather escaped the wrath of the mob by hiding in a corn field, and another time he was clad in girls clothing to cover his idnentity lest he be taken away by a brother-in-law who was bitterly opposed to his affiliating with the Mormons. He witnessed the transfiguration of Brigham Young when he assumed the likeness of the Prophet Joseph Smith at the time a successor to lead the western trek was being discussed. When it was seen futile to further attempt to maintain the homesteads in the Mississippi valley, and hold their religious convictions, the Mormon converts, in accordance with the advice of the Prophet Joseph, prepared to head west into the unknown Rocky Mountain region. John Henry Owen, with his widowed mother and sister Jane, was among them and early in the summer of 1847, in a slowly moving ox drawn prairie schooner, set out in John Taylor's Company, bound for that unknown, unexplored western wilderness. Jane and Justus Azel Sealey were married 10 March 1842, and were in the same Company. Over the prairie lands, along the North Platte river, up the ridges and valleys, up of the Wasatch Mountains, and down through Emmigration Canyon continued that trek of more than 1000 miles, the like of which is recorded no where else in history. What were the emotions that surged through his being his being when , on September 30, 1847, from a vantage point on the Western Slope of Big Mountain, he gazed over Salt Lake Valley, a cheerless, desolate, uninviting desert wasteland? What did he behold in that panorama to bid him welcome, or to suggest that this is the long sought haven in which to build a home? Somber indeed, was the picture painted by Jim Bridger when he urged the original emigrants not to stop in Salt Lake Valley. Said he, "This is no place for civilized man. Nothing but wild beasts and savages could possibly survive the vigors of the elements and the destitution of this barren land. Nothing can grow and utter starvation will inevitably follow if settlement is attempted." Did Grandfather lament and want to turn back as did the children of Israel? Never. With a burning desire for a home in a land of religious freedom, as the obstacles that beset the way of the o conquer the obstacles that beset the way of the frontiersman, as in the woof there was woven into his being some of the most enduring fabric that ever formed a part of human character.
He first settled in Salt Lake, where on the 14th of March, 1848, he was married to Mary Young, a convert from Ontario, Canada, who also came westward in John Taylor's Company. In 1850, they moved to Manti remaining there until 1853, when they settled at Fort Hamilton, a settlement located some distance west of the present site of Mt. Pleasant. That same year, they moved to Pleasant Grove, Then to North Ogden. In 1860, he came to Mt. Pleasant whare they resided the rest of their lives. He homesteaded 20 acres of land Three miles north of the town and tilled this land for nearly 40 years until he became so feeble he could plow but a quarter of an acre per day.
Grandfather participated in the Walker and the Blackhawk Indian Wars. While residing at Fort Hamilton, he was employed at a sawmill in Pleasant Creek Canyon, where on one occasion he was left as a watchman while the other workmen went to town. In the early evening he heard the words, "go home." He paid no attention to this until the warning was repeated three times then he went home. On returning to camp the next day they found it a smoldering mass of ruin. The Indians had set fire to the lumber, the logs, the wagons and every combustible object, and driven off the cattle. This cost Grandfather his wagon and oxen, but did not deter him in his determination to strive on. He traded all his possessions, including a house and lot for another wagon and yoke of cattle.
Though he went hunting occasionally to augment the family food supply, he had little recreation, his first concern was to supply provisions for a wife and eleven children. His life was filled with toil, trials, hardships, privations, sacrifices and heartaches incident to life in that time. He was ambitious and worked at any form of labor available, including farming, logging, mining, building log and adobe dwellings. At one time he worked at a mine near Austin, Nevada, where he was so severely injured that he was weak for years. He was an expert log hewer, even made lumber by this method. His ability in making ox yokes was widely known and many men came to him for his service. On one occasion he exchanged a large load of poles for 40 pounds of wheat, which he planted on an acre and a quarted of land, and with joyousness they gathered from the threshing floor seventy bushels of grain. He grubbed oak brush for a peck of corn per day and thanked God for the opportunity of earning that 14 pounds of corn to help feed his family. In our day, we hear much about the full dinner pail but Grandfather well remembers the days his dinner bucket contained only a pinch of salt, with which he hoped to season a kettle of segas, thistle stocks, pig weed or other edible plants he might find to cook for his noon day meal. Grandmother Wilcox oft repeated, "As I look back on these agonizing times, I wonder how in the world we ever managed to keep body and soul together. I know, However, that it was through the graciousness of the Good Lord on High, we were able to withstand those terrible ordeals." The Mormons made the desert blossom as the rose, but the first "roses to bloom for grandfather were a few potatoes broduced from seed brought from California on pack animals and sold pour to a customer at 25 cents each.
Grandfather never learned to read or write, yet the feat of turning this sagebrush covered wasteland into fields of bounteous harvests, will be emblanzoned on the history of Utah by these early pioneers. It was not the call of wild, the desire for fame or fortune, or adventure that promted him to abondon his friends and posessions, but the hope of finding a place where he could dwell in peace and safety, unbomolested by a bloodthirsty mob determined to annihilate the converts to this newly-born religion. He had morality, truthfulness, and strict adherence to the golden rule worthy of emulation to the end of time.
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant, ... ... ..."
Written by J. O. (Owen) Meiling, Lehi, Utah. 4 Aug. 1939
Black Hawk War,
Walker War,
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Mary Young Wilcox
The following histories come from two sources. The first from "Seely Family History" sponsored by the Justus Azel Seelye Family Organization. The second from Family Search, told by Mary, herself to Annie C. Bills; a grandson's wife.
The History of Mary Young Wilcox
This history of Mary Young Wilcox was told by her on Jan. 27, 1924 and times thereafter until June 6, 1925 to Annie C. Bills; a grandson’s wife.
Mary Young Wilcox was born Jue 6, 1831 in Upper Canada town of Whitbay, Ontario, daughter of James and Elizabeth Seely Young.
In 1837 Parley P. Pratt brought the gospel to her parents and grandparents and they accepted it and joined the Church. Their acceptance of the gospel, together with others, helped fulfill the prophecy which Elder C. Kimball made, when he told Parley P. Pratt, he would go to Upper Canada, even to Toronto, its Capitol, and find a people there, who were prepared for the fulness of the gospel.
In 1838 they emigrated to Missouri, leaving their home going to Toronto, and across Lake Erie, through the Erie Canal, down the Ohio River to the Mississippi River thence up the Mississippi landing at Sharidon, Missouri. When they reached the place the mob was raging and mobbing the saints.
Mary, but a small child, realized their danger and also suffered from their persecutions. She didn’t realize why they were persecuted, but she remembered the scenes and hardships of it.
She tells the story of seeing Isaac Laney, one of the survivors of Haun’s Mill massacre. He had seven bullet holes in his back and sic in his breast which he recieved at the hands of the enemy. No one thought he would live but he had been promised by the prophet Joseph Smith that he would not fall at the hands of the enemy. He recovered from the terrible wounds and made the journey across the plains and died several years later in the valley of the “Great Salt Lake.”
She also saw after coming to Utah, a woman who was one of the survivors of Haun’s Mill. She said the girl was going to the mill race for of bucket of water just as the mob was coming. She told how she threw herself behind a log to keep the mob from seeing her, but they spied her and shot, she thought as many as fifty bullets above and into the log, but she wasn’t touched by any of them. After the mob had gone those who were left cut twenty bullets out of the log that had lodged in it. She came to Utah and lived and died in Pleasant Grove. Her name as Mary remembered was Mrs. Foutz.
The Prophet’s brother William Smith had twin boys in his family and one of them was killed at a blacksmith shop where another massacre took place, his father and others were killed. The othe rwas wounded by lived and came to Utah.
In Caldwell County in the fall of 1838 she remembered seeing the mob who took the prophet, but did not see the prophet. The mob surrounded the town and sid if they didn’t give up the prophet, they would “Clean them out root and branch.” The prophet and his brother Hyrum were guarded by the saints, and when word reached them as to what the mob had said, they came out carrying white flags and told the mob they were ready. They were kept in jail all winter not getting out until spring. The mob didn’t keep their promise, they kept mobbing just the same.
The prophet (Joseph Smith) sent word to the saints to go some place for safety through the winter for they would be compelled to leave the site in the spring. The saints left, taking what few belongings they had with them. Some had only what the could easily place in a wheelbarrow. The mob came upon the little group who had come from Canada, and gave them four hours to leave and get out of the state of Missouri, they would pile up their blongings into the street, burn them and kill everyone.
There were two steamers which had gone up the Mississippi river just four days before, going for their last trip for that winter. The river had frozen up so they could not get where they had started for, so they had to turn back. Before a few hours they were up the Canadian Saints got on the steamer and sailed down the river. This was on December 11, 1838. The Steamers sailed nicely through the night and on the morning of December 12, it being clear, the men running the steamers thought they would race down the river as they thought they were out of danger. While thus racing, the steamer the saints were on, struck a snag in the river and ripped the bottom off the boat full length.
Mary’s father and her Uncle, were sailors, having sailed on Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, realized their situation, and quickly lowered the lifeboats, putting the women and children and part of their luggage into the boats, made to shore. All on the steamer were saved. They were landed in the snow on the shore into the state of Iowa. They could have gone on the other steamer and been taken on down the river to St. Louis, but they were glad to land in Iowa for they were only glad to get away from Missouri.
There were 15,000 saints driven out of Missouri. Many of this number were very poor. Some only had what they could carry in a grip or on their back. They were strangers in a strange land. Some had to go or be slain. The mob had told them if they would give up “Jo Smit, visions and their religion,: they could live there and be citizens with them, but they would rather die than give up their religion which meant so much to them.
In the spring of 1839 when the prophet and remaining saints were out of Missouri they settled in Illinois, the main places being Nauvoo and across the river in Iowa. Mary’s people settled in Burlington, Iowa, where they lived seven years, quite peacefully for a time. Their wasn’t much killing done there, like that of Missouri until they killed the prophet and patriachs in the Carthage Jail on June 27, 1844. After the killing of the prophet the mob thought “Mormonism” as they called it, would die out. The saints weren’t bothered so much for about a year and a half. Seeing that they would get all of their land and everything they had, they readily saw the achievements of the saints.
Mary remembers the Temple of Nauvoo standing out on the hillside, as she says, “shining like a glittering gold.” Brigham Young said they should not look back after they were driven out, but look forward, because that was build and had been dedicated to the Lord and they should not mourn after it.
In 1842 when the church was in a destitute condition, the saints were sick and suffering from hunger and cold, eighteen were called together by the prophet and the Relief Society was organized. There was a lady who came to Salt Lake whom Mary talked with, told her how the saints would divide the little of everything they had with those who had none. She said there was a case where one woman had a little corn meal for bread which she stirred with water and baked it had no salt. Another heard this and said she had a few spoonfuls of salt and she gave a tablespoonful of it wrapped in a paper to the one who hadn’t any. The ones who were sick were looked after and administered to by the well. Thus they lived in Nauvoo, when the mob was driving them again after the prophet’s death. Brigham Young told the mobs they would leave the country if they would only give them a little more time. In the fall of 1845 they began to leave. In the spring of 1846 they started on their westward journey across the plains. Brigham Young told the saints to fit themselves out the best they could for their journey.
They started from Iowa, after the saints got out of Illinois. After travelling about three hundred miles from Nauvoo, the call came from the government for five hundred of their young men to go to the Mexican war. This was the choosing of the “Mormon Battalion.” Here Mary witnessed the marching away of the Battalion. Here also was written the hymn by William Clayton “Come, Come Ye Saints” After the Battalion was packed with their pack, which weighed about thirty five pounds, a meeting was held and Brigham Young promised the men if they would keep the commandments of the Lord they should not meet the hostile foe, but that God would fight the battle for them. The scene that followed, she says she can never forget. Widowed mothers parting with, sometimes, their only sons, sweethearts, husbands and wives, a scene which only the ones who witnessed can realize the sadness of. The Battalion bravely underwent the terrible hardships as did their loved ones whom they left behind. She saw their parting also saw some of them as they returned to Salt Lake, after their march and travels through Mexico, California and around the Great Salt Lake. After the Battalion marched away they resumed their journey, traveling as far as the place they called Winter Quarters, where they camped for the winter.
Tomorrow: John Henry Owen Wilcox
Monday, August 1, 2016
William Zabriskie ~~~ Pioneer of the Month ~~~ August 2016
History of William Zabriskie
· 13 February 2014 ·
William Zabriskie was born the first child of the family of Lewis Curtis and Mary Keziah Higbee Zabriskie, on 13 September 1839 at Quincy, Adams County, Illinois. The family removed to Nauvoo and a short time later to Ambrozia Branch, Lee County, Iowa Territory, although Ambrozia Branch was not organized until a few years later than this. The Zabriskie family resided there for some time whereafter they moved to Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa, while on the way there to meet the Saints, as all the Saints were instructed to do so after the death of the Prophet. William’s mother died near Florence, Nebraska. William being a only a little over seven years of age.
After the family arrived at Council Bluffs, William’s father, Lewis, married Sarah Ann Park. They made their home in that locality for some time after which they joined a company coming west in the year 1851 arriving in Salt Lake September 23, 1851. They settled first in Provo, later moving down the southern part of Utah, first locating in Pond Town (Salem), Moroni, North Bend (Fairview), Sanpete County, and finally locating in Springtown (Spring City) where his father, Lewis, was a farmer.
In the year 1852, July 19, William was baptized along with his sisters Ellen and Hulda, and his father was re-baptized. Williams married Christine Rasmussen or Nielson. She was born 23 December 1841 in Denmark and came with a Nielson family to Utah. In many instances she has been found with the two different names, of which she did adopt the Nielson name, having lived with this family. William married Christine 20 August 1859 at Fairview, Sanpete County, Utah. William took part in the Walker and Blackhawk Wars. He moved to Mt. Pleasant in 1859. He finally located in 1864 where he opened a store and conducted it until 1870. He engaged two years in mining then entered the law office of R.H. Robertson in Salt Lake. He was admitted to the bar in Provo, 27 March 1876 and practiced in Provo and the district Court. He served as U.S. Commissioner about six years. He incorporated the Mt. Pleasant Milling Company of which he was Secretary; also the Moroni and Mt. Pleasant Irrigation Ditch Company being Secretary also a director. He procured the franchise and effected the incorporation of Mt. Pleasant Electric Light Company and was a stockholder.
In the year of 1856, December 20, William consecrated the property he had to the Lord in the Provo Stake of Zion in the amount of $175. This we find was preached by President Brigham Young in a sermon on Consecration, June 3, 1855 in the Tabernacle, wherein he remarked that among the first revelations given to the Church and would probably be one of the last to be lived, was the law of Consecration. The principle of it was easy to understand, but the application of it was difficult.
“How long have we got to live before we find out that we have nothing to consecrate to the Lord—that all belong to the Father in Heaven; that these mountains are His, the valleys, the timber, the water, the soil; in fine, the earth and its fullness.”
It was to be distinctly understood that no person deed his property unless he feels it to be a privilege and prefers to do so of his own free will and choice. Neither do we wish any person to deed any property which is encumbered by debt or liabilities.
Many deeded their property to the church in this period of time. (Heart Throbs Volume 4) “Consecration of Property to the Lord” page 316 (Oreen L. Walker).
Some of the material in this history of William Zabriskie was taken from a book of Sanpete County, Utah found in the library of Brigham Young University. Also at the Geneological Library in Salt Lake (Utah S 7).
Following is an account of the children and to whom they were married:
(1) William Henry, born 16 July 1861. Married Emma Fredrickson.
(2) Sarah Ellen, born 20 September 1863. She died as a child.
(3) Isaac Newton, born 23 December 1865. Married Mary Carrie Eliza Wise, 22 March 1895.
(4) Helena Christena, born 10 February 1868. Married Wood Brandon.
(5) Charlotta, born 7 April 1870. Married E.L. Underhill.
(6) Ida Bell, born 20 November 1871. Married E.J. Moorhouse.
(7) Lewis Christian, born 21 November 1874. Married Rose Simpson.
(8) Edward Albert, born 25 August 1877.
(9) John, born 26 August 1880. He died as a child.
William Zabriskie died 1 April 1910 and is buried at Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah. William’s wife, Christine, died 28 April 1908 and is buried in the same cemetery.
This history was written by Edith P. Walker, assisted by Oreen Walker, Vida Lystrup, Marion Lund, Mada Lund, Murvel Walker, and Cal Christensen.
Source: Isaac Higbee and Sophia Somers Family Magazine 1958
Christine Rasmussen
Birthdate: December 23, 1841
Birthplace: Quincy, Adams, Illinois, USA
Death: Died March 29, 1908 in Mount Pleasant, Sanpete, Utah
Immediate Family:
Wife of William Zabriskie
Mother of William Henry Zabriskie; Louis Christian Zabriskie; Ida Belle Zabriskie; Helena Christina Zabriskie; Charlotte Zabriskie and 2 others
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
James Harvey Tidwell and wives Elizabeth Harvey Tidwell and Emma Sanders Tidwell
James Harvey Tidwell

Contributed By SJ Knuteson · 15 July 2013 · 0 Comments
HISTORY OF JAMES HARVEY TIDWELL Information furnished by Ora Hutchinson Peterson — granddaughter. Arranged by Nora Lund — D.U.P. Historian. James Harvey Tidwell was born 29 November 1829 in Washington, Clark County, Indiana. His father, John Tidwell had moved to Indiana with his mother, Sarah Goben Tidwell from Kentucky, after his father William Tidwell’s death while returning from participation in the war of 1812. His father John married Jane Smith December 10, 1828 and James Harvey became their first child. His brothers and sisters were —— Willian Nelson, Mary Jane, Jefferson, Lyman, Marry Ann, Martha, Margaret, Sarah, John, Emma Jane, and Emeline Maria; three dying in infancy. James’ father, and no doubt his Mother, joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter—Day Saints 25 September 1835, being baptized by Elder Levi Bracken. This was when James was 6 years old. As long as he could remember, he was taught Mormnonism and lived by the guiding truths of the gospel. When he was 10 years old his parents took their family and on September 11, 1839 they left Clark County, Indiana to gather with the Saints in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois. They reached there November 6, 1839. It was in Nauvoo on August 25, 1841 when James was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter—Day Saints. He was 13 years old when the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were martyred at Cartage jail, June 27, 1844. With the rest, he felt great sorrow at this terrible outrage. He remembered well all the mobbings and persecutions this defenseless people were obliged to endure. It was in the dead of winter of 1846 when the Tidwell family crossed the Mississippi River on the ice and sought refuge in the more friendly state of Iowa. The migration west to the Rocky Mountains commenced in 1847 but James and his folks didn’t leave Council Bluffs (Kanesville) Iowa until June 8, 1852. He was a sturdy young man of 23 years. His father didn’t stay in Salt Lake only few days he moved south to the new settlement of Pleasant Grove in Utah County. It was in Pleasant Grove that James Married Elizabeth Harvey on August 28, 1853, and on 2 February 1857 the Salt Lake Endowment House he took as his 2nd wife Emma Sanders. In June of 1859 he took his two families and traveled with his father’s family and a group of others over the mountains some 80 miles to Sanpete County. He figured there was more land and better advantages for a growing family. They chose the town of Mt. Pleasant, which was at the very year being resettled. An attempt had been made in 1852 to settle Pleasant Creek, but the people had been driven to Fort Ephraim by the Indians. May I quote from the Mt. Pleasant write—up in the Sanpete County book “These Our Fathers” page 95, “As soon as the last wagon pulled into the circle at Mt. Pleasant on organization began to be effective James Ivie was chose President. William S. Seeley was chosen Bishop with four counselors -- James H. Tidwell, Peter Y. Jensen, Perry McArthur and Justus W. Selley. Under the direction of James Ivie the Fort was built. Even while living in the fort the men, going in groups for protection from the Indians, broke up the virgin soil for planting and pioneered an irrigation system to get the water from the creek to water their crops. James took part in the Black Hawk up rising to protect the community, but when peace was established the men built homes for their families and moved out of the Fort. James was a successful, hardworking farmer and livestock man. His wife Elizabeth lived in town. But his wife Emma and her large family lived on a farm between Mt. Pleasant and Moroni, Later she lived in Moroni. Throughout all his life James H. was faithful to his church duties and taught his children to live by the gospel standards. He was honest in his dealings with his fellow men and paid an honest tithing to the Lord. In the late summer of 1896 he went to Wellington, Carbon County to visit, his son who was living there. Before he left he went around to all his children and said good bye to them. He was enjoying his stay until he took very ill. Everything was done for him that was humanly possible but he passed away September 2, 1896. He was taken home to Mt. Pleasant for burial. He was only 67 years of age. He left both his wives, widows, to mourn his death. Elizabeth died 6 June 1905 and Emma died 5 October 1916.


Contributed By SJ Knuteson · 15 July 2013 · 1 Comments
HISTORY OF EMMA SANDERS TIDWELL Born 23 Jan 1841 — Nauvoo, Illinois Died 5 Oct 1916 — Moroni, Sanpete Co., Utah Came to Utah 1850 Married James Harvey Tidwell — 1857 History filed by Granddaughter Ora H. Lund D.U.P. Historian History arranged by Nora Lund, D.U.P. Historian Information furnished by a Grandaughter, Ora Hutchinson Petersen Arranged by Nora Lund, D.U.P. historian
Emma Sanders was born 23 Jan. 1841 in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois. She was the 9th child in a family of 12 children born to Moses Martin and Amanda Armstrong Faucett Sanders.
Her brothers and sisters were: William, Carl - died young, Richard Twigg, John Franklin, Rebecca Ann, Martha Brown, David Walker, Joseph Moroni, Sidney Rigdon, Eliza Jane, Hyrum Smith and Moses Martin Jr.
Emma’s parents were from the deep South. Her father was born in Georgia and her mother in Tennessee. The family made their home in Tennessee until 1829 when they moved to Montgomery County, Illinois.
On the 28th of January, 1835 her parents were baptized member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter—Day Saints. They moved to Far West, Missouri where the Mormons were gathering at that time. By 1839 we find them living in Nauvoo, Illinois assisting in the building up of the City, participating in the building of the temple, where they received their endowments in January of 1846.
The prophet Joseph Smith loved little children and took a special interest in grandmother, naming her Emma after his wife Emma. She remembered sitting on his lap. It was a great sorrow to the Sanders family when the Prophet was killed.
When Emma was 5 years old her family left their home in Nauvoo and took refuge in Iowa. Her father was one of the stalwart men who assisted all he could in getting the Saints across the Mississippi river that cold winter of 1846. Thousands of people who had fled with scarcely nothing but their lives made quite a city at Winter Quarters.
Early in January of 1847 the Lord made it known to Brigham Young. President of the twelve apostles, who was leading the Saints, that it was time to go the long distance to the Rocky Mountains to find refuge for his harassed people. Martin Sanders and his family made the necessary preparations to cross the Plains in 1850 and arrived in the valley of the Great Salt Lake that fall.
Martin didn’t remain long in Salt Lake because President Young sent him on to colonize new settlements. His history says he was called to different towns He was one of the first to move to Fillmore and in 1859 he was called to settle Fairview Sanpete Co. and he stopped in Mt. Pleasant.
His family story is that Emma was working at a boarding house in Fillmore. As she came down the stairs into the main dining room, she immediately attracted the attention of one of the men there. This man was James Harvey Tidwell, a freighter. He had a wife and child at home in Pleasant Grove, and had no particular thought of going into polygamy, though the practice was being encouraged by the Church authorities. But as he beheld this beautiful, young 16 year old girl with golden red hair, sparkling blue eyes and a pleasant smile, he knew that he was going to marry her.
He made her acquaintance, courted her and married her in the Salt Lake Endowment House Feb 26, 1857. Emma’s first child was born in Pleasant Grove 26 Nov. 1858. His name was John Franklin Tidwell. He married Caroline Johanson.
It was in June of 1859 when Emma’s husband accepted the call to Sanpete County and they made their way to Pleasant Creek (Mt. Pleasant). No doubt Emma’s folks were among the group, which would naturally please her, The north end of Sanpete Valley was indeed promising for new homes.
Emma was strong and healthy, willing and able to do her part in aiding in the pioneering of this lovely valley. She lived in the Fort which was the first thing built for protection from the Indians who were always lurking around. Added to the ever present Indian danger there was the concern about the food lasting until another harvest, and about obtaining clothing with which to keep warm. As soon as a log cabin could be built, or a dug—out made, families moved from the Fort to their own settlement lots. Their place vacated in the Fort was occupied by a new settler.
When the drum would beat, all would rush back to the square for safety. John Tidwell and Hans Simpson were the “Minute Men” of that day. Their horses were left saddled and bridled so that in case of Indian trouble they could ride quickly to Manti or Thistle Valley for help where soldiers were stationed. Black Hawk and his painted warriors terrorized the women and children, and he led his braves in many battle against the white people. (Taken from the book “These Our Fathers”, Mt, Pleasant write—up.)
From the family group sheet at hand, we notice that Emma Tidwell regularly gave birth to new babies after coming to Mt. Pleasant.
Her 2nd child, William was born l8 July, 1860. He married Ana Draper;
3rd Child, James, born 6 Feb. 1862 married Lauraetta Draper;
4th child, Martha Ann, born 22 Dec. 1863, married John William Pritchett;
5th child, Joseph Martin. born 18th Dec., 1865, married Martha M. Morgan;
6th child, Albert, born 9 Feb. 1868, died 1876; 7th child Rosetta, born 30 Nov. 1869, married John Johansen;
8th child, Willis Hyrum, born 17 Feb. 1871, married Esther Nielson;
9th child, David (twin) born 3 Nov. 1873 -lived 3 hours;
10th child, Nathan Alvin (other twin, lived to maturity but never married);
11th child Cyrus Delbert, born 28 June, 1876, married Calista Vicena Bai1ey;
12th child, Amanda Venretta, born 12 April, 1879, married John U. Bailey;
13th child, Lewis Willard, born 13 Feb. 1881, married Macel Evella Cook;
14th Child, Emma Irene (my mother) born 1 May, l883, married Sidney James Hutchinson.
In 1865 Emma Tidwell bid farewell to her parents and brothers and sisters because her father had been called to the Dixie Cotton Mission in St. George. It was there her father died on Nov. 8th, 1878. Her mother died in Tonto Basin, Gila, Arizona where she gave birth to Moses Martin Jr. who was born when his parents were sent there to help colonize that section.
James Harvey Tidwell established a home for his wife, Emma, and her little children on the farm called “The Bottoms”, located about half way between Mt. Pleasant and Moroni. Her home was of logs with a dirt floor. Gunny sacks were hung at the windows in lieu of glass. Emma was so very frightened when the Indians would come and stick their heads through the opening demanding——”piggy meat and sugar”. Other frightening experiences she and her children encountered were when the U.S. Marshals would come looking for her husband, trying to arrest him and put him in prison for co—habitation.
On the farm, she and the little boys would break and milk wild range cows. From the milk, she would make butter and cheese. Besides supplying her own family, she kept the 1st wife and her family supplied with these commodities also.
Finally Emma’s husband moved her and her family to Moroni where some of the older children were living. Her home was a comfortable two—story frame house, made out of rough lumber. Here she remained the rest of her days.
Emma had a natural talent for taking care of the sick. She was the first person called, or sent for, when help was needed in sickness. She was away from home a good deal of the time in her lifetime taking care of the sick. She knew the medicinal value in herbs and was very successful in using them. She was only 55 years old when she was left widow. Her husband, James Harvey, went to Wellington, Carbon County, to visit his son William Henry. While there he took sick and died Sep. 2, 1896.
It was a great sorrow and loss to his wives and children when he was brought back in a casket. He was laid to rest in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Emma lived on being lovingly cared for by her children until Oct. 5, 1916 when she died at the age of 75 years. She was buried beside her husband in Mt. Pleasant, Sanpete County, Utah.
Sanders "The Bottoms",
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
History of Martha Christine Gottfedson ~ Pioneer of the Month March 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016
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